Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The beauty of isolation

Okay, corny I know. But, as I've had the same conversation multiple times and that phrase seems to signify my feelings better than any other, here's what I mean.

I don't speak Czech; I think we have this thoroughly understood by this point. And Czech doesn't sound ANYTHING like English or French or any other language that I have some knowledge of, so. . .

I am totally and utterly at peace. All the talking and jabber that is going on around me means nothing to me. I am entirely in my own head, not overhearing any conversation that I can participate in to any extent. Not worrying about whether people are judging me or talking about me or even looking at me. Not able to let any of the conversations around me trigger any anxiety or thoughts about my own life. I can think about whatever I want, or better yet, not think at all.

It's completely different than any other experience of traveling I have ever had. I've never had this much time alone in my head without having to even make a pretense of paying attention to anyone else. And it is remarkable.

Other than that tidbit of information (Lukman says I've gone soft), things have been excellent. I am working on a grant for the Open Society Institute, doing some random little projects for CEELI, and enjoying my daily commute. Yesterday, Amanda and I had a great dinner at a restaurant near my work and joined Iva (my host) for a concert by a friend of hers, Lucien. Lucien is American, and works as a poet and singer here in Prague. Though he's lived here for 13 years, he knows very little Czech, which I found interesting. He and his band, the Wavemen, gave a spirited performance, and it was really nice to hear some live music. You can check out a couple of his songs, sung acoustically, on YouTube if you search the Wavemen.

Other than that, my knee is absolutely killing me. But after 15 minutes of google diagnosing myself, I have decided that I may have hurt my kneecap slightly from all the walking downhill. So, I'm keeping it elevated and icing it. If it is still hurting so badly tomorrow, I may work from home and let it really rest.

So, that's it for now. I've embedded another slideshow in here - some pictures of my favorite square in Prague and of the show last night. Hope things are well for my buddies around the world, and that I talk to you all soon!

1 comment:

Lukman Arsalan said...

I know! It is a weird feeling not to understand ANYTHING around you. I'm glad that you are translating it into a positive experience.. I, unfortunately, took it as an overwhelming cultural shock when I was faced in the same situation in Tokyo. Be strong Sara!
I'm sorry to hear that your knee is hurting you.It's funny how you googled a medicine for it :P

Talk to you soon... XOXO